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Nope, juicing isn’t actually healthier

February 13, 2024

The Offer: Discover the truth about juicing and learn why whole fruits and veggies are superior to juices in providing essential nutrients. Get expert insights from a registered dietitian at Healthline to make informed choices for your health.

Summary: Discover the truth about juicing and learn why whole fruits and veggies are superior to juices in providing essential nutrients. Juicing fruits and veggies may not offer real health benefits compared to eating them whole. Consuming whole fruits and vegetables ensures you get the necessary fiber, vitamins, and minerals for optimal health. Learn valuable insights from Lindsay Mahar, a registered dietitian at Healthline, on maximizing your nutrient intake through whole foods. Opt for smoothies as a tasty and nutritious alternative to support your daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Get practical tips on maintaining fiber intake and avoiding high-sugar additives. Stay informed and make the best choices for your health journey. Drink fresh juice in moderation and prioritize whole fruits and vegetables for a nutrient-packed diet.